
Repair Your Hair While You Sleep

Sleeping on Curly Hair Photo

Sleep is essential for our overall health. Not only does a good night's sleep reduce stress and anxiety, but prioritizing rest supports healthy nails, skin, and hair. Our hair is at its fullest, shiniest, and most vibrant when we take care of ourselves. 

So why does bedhead ruin a perfect night's sleep?

A little nap can take a big toll on your hair. In fact, your sleep habits could be the culprit behind common hair problems. The RevAir team is here to help you achieve your most radiant hair yet. We've taken a look at top stylist recommendations for how not to ruin your hair while you sleep and pulled together the best tips and tricks for combating bedhead. Rest easy with these bedtime routine hacks.

Never Sleep With Wet Hair

We get it. Life gets busy. If there's one bedtime hair care routine not to slack on, it's drying your locks prior to turning in for the night. When hair is wet, it's far more prone to splitting and breakage. This is why we sometimes see excess hair in the drain. Experts explain that "when hair is wet, proteins form weaker bonds (hydrogen bonds), than when the hair is dry (protein-protein bonds). This makes the hair easier to damage. That's because when damp hair is combed, it stretches. Unfortunately, when hair is stretched, it doesn't snap back into shape as a rubber band can."

Keep your hair from stretching overnight by drying your lovely locks before bedtime. Not only will this save time on your morning style routine, but a healthy hair nightly routine supports hair growth, elasticity, and shine.

Natural Hair Beware: Avoid Going to Bed With Loose Hair

When it comes to bedtime routines for natural hair, one of the best rules we can stress is never to go to bed with your hair loose. Loose hair is quick to develop tangles and frizz. You may be able to get away with this a few nights a week, but over time this routine can really ruin your hair. Always put dry hair in braids or twists before bed. This will keep your curls secured while you enjoy a good night's sleep.

woman with type 4 hair sleeping on pillow

Fine, Straight Locks Use Caution: Avoid Tying Hair Up Before Bed

If you have fine, delicate to medium textured hair, you'll want to avoid tying your hair up in braids, buns, and ponytails. The tension from wearing your hair in a tight style overnight will stress out your scalp. This can lead to irritation and breakage at the follicle. If you do prefer to sleep with your hair tucked out of the way, opt for a loose Dutch braid, low pony, or fishtail braid instead. 

Avoid Dry Air

Dry air may be the true cause of your dry hair! Bedrooms are often drier than other areas of the house as they tend to be snug and cozy with limited ventilation. If your bedroom tends to be a little on the dry side, consider investing in a humidifier. Many hair experts use humidifiers to restore moisture overnight. This keeps your hair from becoming brittle. 

Of course, at RevAir, our number one rule is avoiding high-heat styling devices. Experts agree that minimizing heat exposure prior to bedtime can give your hair the time it needs to recover, recharge, and refresh. Opting for a reverse air drying device is the styling hack of the future when it comes to maintaining healthy hair.

Refresh Your Bedroom Style

If you think about it, we spend an average of 6-8 hours in our beds. This average is often higher as we unwind from a busy week and sleep in on long weekends. When it comes to caring for our hair, that's a lot of tossing and turning! 

Investing in high-quality bedding is not only great for your bedroom aesthetic; it's a must for a healthy home hair care regimen. Trade your cotton or linen sheets for non-static silk. Silk pillowcases prevent hair from sticking to the pillow. They're excellent for allergies as well as hair and beauty. Silk is naturally static-free and reduces overnight breakage and frizz.

Protect Your Locks While You Snooze

A bonnet is a bedtime routine must for natural hair. Keep your curls protected while you rest, especially if you do not have silk pillowcases. Cotton is highly absorbent, which creates friction and dryness. This in turn leads to frizz and eventually breakage. Combat crispy ends by covering your hair in a cute bonnet before bedtime. 

For Natural Curls, Add Oil

Does your hair texture tend to be thick, voluminous, and has low porosity? Luxurious curls often have trouble maintaining moisture. Give your hair nourishment while you sleep by doing an oil or butter treatment prior to bed. Jojoba oil and coconut oil are some of our favorites! You can also try shea butter mixed with a pinch of olive oil for a hydrating DIY hair mask for natural curls. Cover with a satin bonnet and rest easy knowing your hair is absolutely flawless.

woman with type 4 hair in bed

NEVER Sleep With a Towel on Your Head

Towels are not bonnets. We cannot repeat this enough. Going to sleep with your hair wrapped, fresh from the shower, is a sure way to cause tangles and snares. The material of most towels is rough and causes friction when it comes in contact with your hair. The best solution for sleeping with your hair covered is to keep your bonnet nearby so you can easily grab it before you're tempted to reach for the towel.

Limit Midnight Snacks

If you're the sort of person who gets snacky around midnight, it may be time to reel in those late-night binges. When we're tired, we naturally crave more salt and sugar. Processed foods that are high in salt and sugar can prove toxic to your hair, especially over long periods of time. If you are craving a delicious snack before turning it in for the night, keep a fridge drawer of healthy snacks readily available. This will ward off the craving and keep your hair looking flawless.

For All Hair Types, Deep Condition

Wondering when the perfect time is to work in a weekly deep conditioning mask? Masks are most effective right before bed as they lock in moisture and nutrients. Pamper your hair by doing a nightly conditioning treatment a few times a week. This will add volume to fine, delicate hair and protect each strand from damage while you dream of amazing style.

If your hair tends to be oily, you may want to skip this hack and instead consider doing a clarifying aloe mask. Aloe is great at reducing build-up, fighting inflammation, and also acts as an antimicrobial. Aloe is a great choice if you're rocking a protective hairstyle and a fantastic tool for your home hair care regimen.

Don't Neglect Your Scalp

We all have a nightly skincare routine. It's time to start including your scalp in the fun! Treat yourself to a scalp massage before bed each night to stimulate blood circulation and hair follicle growth. A special scalp brush can help get your nightly routine started. If your scalp suffers from build-up and irritation, try working in a team treatment twice a week to seal the ends so your hair stays hydrated overnight.

Switch Sides

Do you have a favorite side of the pillow? We'd hate to ruin your bedtime routine, but sleeping on one side may be flattening your hair. In addition, sleeping in one position is hard on your neck and shoulders. Take care of your style and your joints by starting the night on a different side. It may take some getting used to at first, but rotating the sleeping position is a great way to prevent overnight hair damage. If you're having trouble drifting off, try a guided meditation or deep breathing routine to de-stress and relax.

Brush Your Hair Before Bed

This might seem like an obvious point, but it may be surprising to learn how many of us don't brush our hair before bed. Work through stubborn tangles before calling it a night. A wet brush works well for natural hair, while finer hair types can benefit from a volume-enhancing round brush for added drama.

Are You Getting Enough Sleep?

The number one cause of sleep-related hair damage is not getting enough rest. If your hair has been suffering lately, it's time to examine your sleep patterns. How many hours on average do you get per night? Are you able to fall asleep right away or do you usually need some time to wind down? Understanding your routine can better empower you to take control. For example, if you know that it takes a while for you to relax, try avoiding screens for an hour before bed and do a restorative yoga session instead. Getting the right amount of sleep is vital to our bodies. Hair loss is a direct result of stress, which is often aggravated when we're low on Z's.

So rest easy knowing your hair is protected. The RevAir team is combatting bedhead one curl at a time. Modifying your nightly routine to incorporate a few simple tips can dramatically impact your hair's overall health.

Are you looking for more info on RevAir? Contact us today!

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