8 Reasons Your Hair Won't Grow & Ways to Gain Inches
Why won't my hair grow?
Why can't I retain length?
What could I be doing wrong?
As these and a million other questions run through your mind, we want you to just breathe and relax.
Hair growth is one of the most pressing of the hair trials and tribulations. You feel like your hair growth is stagnant and that no matter what you do (like all those promising hair masks), your hair simply won't grow any longer. But just like everything else, hair growth problems can be solved.
There are plenty of reasons why hair does not grow past a certain length. Everything from your diet and certain chemical imbalances to the hair products you use can sometimes make hair growth a challenge.
We all want long, healthy, shiny, and damage-free locks. For that reason, we know how frustrating it can be when that doesn't seem attainable.
We promise that (in some capacity) it is certainly attainable. Lucky for you, we have broken down the reasons why your hair may not be growing and some tricks to aid in the hair growth process.
Why Won’t My Hair Grow?

1. Genetics
When it comes to an individual's hair growth, each person has a hair cycle growth phase where their hair has the potential to reach its longest length.
The terminal length of hair is the maximum length it can grow without being cut or damaged. Hair does not necessarily stop growing when it reaches a specific length; however, it does stop once a certain amount of time has passed (the cycle of your hair growth).
The growth phase of hair is mostly determined by genetics and can last from two to six years. On average, most hair grows about half an inch per month and each hair finishes the cycle at different points (the reason people have multiple hair lengths on their heads).
2. Shedding
Everyone sheds hair! Shedding hair is completely normal and natural.
In fact, it is a part of the hair growth process. Old hair is shed so that new hair can grow. Even the healthiest scalps shed up to 150 strands of hair a day.
If your hair loss begins to occur faster than your hair regrowth, then you run into a problem of excessive shedding that may be caused by another reason, several of which we will talk about.
3. Age
Similar to your genetics, age can also be a reason why your hair won't grow. Age affects hair growth because our hair's growth cycle becomes shorter as we get older. As we age, that original six-year cycle trickles down to a two-year cycle, making hair thinner and unable to grow past a certain point.
As you get older, your hair also tends to become weaker because of everything you put it through, including styling, processing, and bleaching. It may also be weaker because of your food habits and physical health.
4. Stress level
Stress affects pretty much everything about our health, including our appearance.
Emotional and physical stress are linked to hair loss and an overall decrease in hair quality. Stress is detrimental to hair growth as it restricts the hair growth cycle.
Treating yourself to relaxing activities to decrease stress levels will not only improve your mental health, but also the health of your hair.
5. Hair Breakage
Breakage is probably your hair's biggest arch-nemesis. The average person's hair grows about six inches every year. If your hair is not being cared for properly (too little care or too much care) and it is breaking off just as fast as it grows, then your hair will stay the same length until some habit is changed.
Breakage can be caused by multiple reasons. Some of the most common factors that cause hair breakage are:
Heat Styling
We think you all might get it by now, but if you haven't, we'll say it again: excessive heat is bad news!
Every time your hair comes into contact with a hot tool, it's important to keep in mind that the damage it causes can affect your hair growth. If you want to grow your hair, you must keep it as healthy as possible. Frying your hair daily with hot tools will cause it to become brittle and break, ruining any dreams of gaining length.
If you need a hot tool replacement, try a RevAir Reverse Air Dryer. You can dry and straighten your hair without the frying that the other hot tools cause. Plus, the RevAir system can help smooth your cuticles, promoting healthy and shiny hair.
While experimenting with hair dye, relaxers, perms, and highlights may be fun, it is not the best when you want to grow out your hair. Exposing your hair to chemicals strips it of its natural oils. Dyes also cause your hair's cuticle to lift (when it should be flat), ultimately leading to split ends and breakage. Again, breakage makes it almost impossible for hair to grow past a certain length.
Aggressive Styling
Styling your hair can be frustrating, but you don't want to take it out on your locks by being too aggressive. Tight hairstyles, using uncovered elastics, and brushing your hair forcefully are all ways to cause breakage to your hair. Avoid those super-tight ponytails that can cause extra tension to your hair. Dyeing your hair frequently, especially with bleach, can also lead to problems with hair growth. Take a gentle approach to your hair styling and your locks will thank you!
If you need more tips on how to keep your hair happy (without aggression) check out our blog post filled with ways to keep your hair healthy.
6. Split Ends
Split ends are almost as bad as breakage. If you tackle those split ends head-on, however, they don't have to be! Split ends are not good for hair growth because, although your hair may be growing from the root, this means your strands are ultimately breaking off from the bottom. This can make it seem like your hair is stuck at a certain length.
To remedy this, it is necessary to get a trim and cut off those split ends. Leaving split ends will only cause them to split further up the hair shaft, leading to more breakage and no hair growth.
So, don't just ignore them. Cut them off and try to prevent them in the future.
7. Diet & Exercise
Like stress, your diet and exercise habits greatly affect your physical health. Just like your skin loves it when you drink water for the day, your hair loves it when you eat a healthy, vitamin-rich diet.
Here are five foods that you can incorporate into your diet to help your hair stay healthy:
Eggs are a great source of biotin and protein, promoting hair growth. Protein is important for hair growth because the hair follicle is made of mostly protein. Biotin is needed to produce keratin, which is a hair protein.
Spinach is one of those healthy green superfoods. It is loaded with iron and vitamins A and C. Vitamin A helps your skin's glands produce sebum, which in turn helps moisturize the scalp and keep your hair healthy.
Berries contain a lot of vitamins and antioxidants that can promote hair growth. Antioxidants help to protect hair follicles from damage. Strawberries, for example, contain vitamin C, which helps produce collagen, another protein that helps to strengthen and prevent hair from breaking.
Do you already love avocados? Good news! Avocados are great sources of vitamin E. Vitamin E protects skin, including your scalp, from the stress and damage of oxidation.
Beans are a great source of protein, iron, zinc, and biotin, which are important for hair growth. Plus, beans are highly versatile in how they can be eaten and prepared and are typically very inexpensive.
8. Poor Hair Care Routine
Having a poor hair care routine is a surefire way to make sure your hair does not grow past a certain length.
Doing things like towel-drying your hair, using too much product, using too little product, brushing your hair aggressively, washing your hair with steaming hot water, etc., are all things that can lead to breakage and sabotage your dreams of having long, luxurious locks.
To build a good hair care routine, you want to both understand your hair and discover the things your hair doesn't like. Your end goal is to keep your hair as happy and healthy as possible so that it can grow and retain any length.
What Can I Do?

The best thing you can do to grow your hair is to become your hair's expert. The best way to keep your hair healthy is to understand what your hair needs and wants from you. To do that, you have to understand things like your hair type and your hair's porosity, and then take that information and create a hair care routine that is just right for you.
Things like genes and age cannot be changed. However, if you work hard to reverse all the other damage you may be doing to your hair, then you just might be able to retain the length you want (and deserve!).

If you need more hair care tips or just have a question, simply contact us here at RevAir. We'd love to help you figure out how to get that healthy, shiny, and damage-free hair you want. In the meantime, keep reading our blogs for tips, tricks, and ideas that will help keep your hair healthy, happy, and growing.
Do you have a blog topic in mind? Do you have some burning hair care questions? Let us know here and we can try to accommodate your request!