It completely changed my daily experience.

It completely changed my daily experience.

woman with curly hair and revair


Hi, my name is Tamara Hughes - and I love anything related to hair! I started doing hair at the young age of 12. Art is a huge passion and inspiration in my life. Doing hair is my art form with my client’s hair the canvas and my hands the paintbrush.


Some have said I have a peculiar way of braiding. They say peculiar, I say unique. That said, the way I braid is definitely harsh on my hands. A couple of years ago, I was diagnosed with having carpal tunnel, which could have ended my career. Here I was with a love of doing hair and it becoming so challenging some days, I didn’t know how I would do it. Then, I got a RevAir…and it completely changed my daily experience!


As someone with carpal tunnel, being able to have a break for my hands is vital. Not having to hold a blow dryer plus brush or a comb blow dryer, means everything to me! When using the traditional blow dryer, I would normally have to take breaks when styling. Now, I am able to go ahead and complete a style without stopping in between. This saves my body and helps me to keep up with my clients. When I am done with my day, I don’t have as much inflammation and numbness in my hands. RevAir changed my hair experience in ways I never knew possible. Being able to rid myself of the old way of blow-drying and adopting a new, innovative way of stretching hair has really impacted my life in the best ways. I can continue to do what I love….how amazing is that! I went from doing one head a day to more than one! RevAir has literally impacted my income. For the past 7.years, I have had a home salon called “TwistNCoils Hair & Braid Designs”. My clients are mostly children and all the upset and crying with my little naturals is gone. They think RevAir is so cool, they no longer fear "hair day" and all associated with it. I am able to dry and stretch their hair in no time with less strain on my hands - the RevAir Reverse-Air Dryer is definitely a game-changer!

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